Depending on your needs and demands we can offer you two versions of statistic:
Light version | Pro version |
– Media version scout file (Basic details) – Match report – Video | – Pro version scout file (All details) – Reports made with Volley Analysis Tool – Synchronized video with Scout file – Video montages created for coach and players |
All this data will be on our web site that is easily organized and at any time all this will be available to download.
You can LOGING IN to our report page and see how it function.
Please use following data to log in:
username: Demo.Coach
password: Democoach1
You should provide us the following:
• List of licensed players for each team
• Matches videos, we would recommend that it be MP4 or AVI format, 1280×720
resolution with 25fps and 2000kbps, but any other would be suitable.
• Match Report or the score sheet for all matches for more accurate data scouting.
The maximum time limit for completion of the match, as well as uploading videos, scouts and reports to the site would be 36h from the time we get video.